Schug (AKA my favourite green chili sauce)

13 August 2024 Dairy Free Gluten Free Vegetarian Friendly
If you have not already acquainted yourself with this zesty green hit of chili sauce to add to just about anything, welcome to a whole new world of condiment. You need this in your life.  

I like to think of this as the Middle Eastern version of a Salsa Verde.  Vibrant, a great use for leftover herbs in your fridge and delivers a simultaneous fresh, hot, spiced and tangy spring to anything its drizzled over.  

This is one of my fridge basics. It takes moments to whizz up and happily sits in the fridge for at least a week ready to use on sandwiches, drizzled over just about any protein (meat, poultry, fish or eggs) and perfect spooned over some cool feta, burrata or ricotta on toast for a late breakfast.  

A few notes: 

I use a food processor for this simply for ease but if you don’t have one, you can make this on a board by lovingly chopping everything by hand

I give you a choice of how much chili here.  Always taste them first as they tend to vary quite a lot in heat.  I prefer more chili but removing the seeds as the heat from the seeds can sometimes totally overpower the sauce. 

I use Hawaij here, a Yemenite spice mix used all over the region. It has a magic combo of cumin, coriander, cardamom, peppercorns and turmeric and I order mine on line when I’ve run out of my Tel Aviv stash.  If you don’t have any, use toasted crushed cumin seeds.  It will still be delicious and you should not be deterred from making this. 


  • 2 garlic cloves (or 3 cloves confit garlic which you know is my personal preference)
  • 1-2 green chilies depending on their heat (choose your own adventure here)
  • 1 large bunch of coriander, stems and leaves
  • a good pinch of salt
  • 1 tsp Hawaij (or 1 tsp toasted and ground cumin seeds)
  • juice of 2 limes 
  • 250ml olive oil

Roughly chop the garlic and chilis and pop them in the bowl of a food processor, blending until well combined. Add the coriander leaves and stalks and pulse until blended but still vibrant in colour and retaining some texture.  You do not want a puree.

Add the salt, Hawaij, lime juice and 3/4 of the olive oil, blending in pulses – it shouldn’t emulsify, remember we want texture! 

Taste for seasoning (you might want more lime or salt) and pour into a clean jar with a tight fitting lid.  Add the remaining oil over the top (this will preserve it) and keep in the fridge for a week or more if it lasts that long. 

Have you made this dish?

Let me know what you think, share your efforts and any tweaks you made to the recipe on Instagram, don’t forget to tag #BuildingFeasts or email me on