Roasted Apricots, Pistachio & Whipped Feta Toast

1 August 2024 Vegetarian Friendly
I generally operate a cook once, eat twice philosophy in my kitchen. Mainly because I love a fridge forage leftover for lunch, but also, because doesn’t it just make life so much easier?

So I thought I should start sharing a little series of recipes that I make in abundance and use in a variety of ways to make life and meals both that much more effortless and interesting.  A good jumping off point to illustrate a very simple way to do this is with two ingredients from recent recipes that I literally have on hand all the time right now for precisely such occasions. 

Remember that whipped feta from the tomato salad last month?  Well, its become a summer fridge basic around here and I always have some stashed in a tupperware in the fridge ready for an emergency salad base, a dip for when friends pop in, or here as a superb sandwich base for those roasted apricots from the recent crumble bars.  And let me tell you, topped with some toasted chopped pistachios this might just make the perfect Summer breakfast, brunch or lunch, picnic or sunset snack.  

This is less of a recipe and more of an idea, so I’m just sharing this short video so you can see how. Basically all you need to do is cut a thick slice of your favourite sourdough, toast it well, schmear it generously with some whipped feta, labeneh or ricotta (really the tart dairy of choice is yours), lay over some of those delicious honey thyme roasted apricots (or peaches or plums which can be roasted in exactly the same way), top with some roughly chopped toasted pistachios for crunch. And devour (usually standing up with apricot jus trickling down your chin).  

Another one of these “spread and top” ideas is a tomato sandwich version of the salad which you can find right here. There will be more like this coming your way over the next few weeks along with other “cook once eat twice” recipes, so keep your eyes peeled and your fridges stocked.  

Have you made this dish?

Let me know what you think, share your efforts and any tweaks you made to the recipe on Instagram, don’t forget to tag #BuildingFeasts or email me on