While the Boys Are Away

School is finally out here and my older 3 sons are now on 3 different continents……..rendering my youngest an only child for the first time in his life and his mother somewhat of a wreck. I am grappling with the emptiest fridge I have ever known while continuously refreshing the “find my”app to try and figure out where they are.  (No, I don’t normally track my kids, but this is probably a topic for another time and not on the pages of a food journal!). 

Luckily though, I’ve had a little time to re-imagine some new versions of old classics………

Roasted Apricot Crumble Bar

I’m consoling myself with a crumble bar, suitable for basically any meal of the day and the in between snacks that remind me of my childhood staple known as Texas Cowboy Bars. These honey thyme roasted apricot crumble bars are a Summer riff on the cranberry and rhubarb versions that appear in the cooler months and are so moreish they barely last a day.

Roasting the apricots brings a jammy soft texture but not overpowering sweetness which ensures their fresh tart flavour doesn’t dull in the baking process. And if, like me, you are always looking to cook once, eat twice, roast some extra apricots while the oven is on and use the extra glut on a piece of toast with labeneh or whipped feta, in your yoghurt topped with nuts and seeds or granola or in salads. They are the gift that keeps on giving.

Quite Possibly the Best Salmon Ever

Dilled Salmon is the perfect summer main course solution, it’s as good hot as at room temperature so perfect for lazy lunches or casual dinner with friends. Truth is, I’ve been fiercely dedicated to my Salmon for a Crowd that I have made for as many years as I can remember on repeat, but this one, with all the flavours of gravadlax (but baked) has totally stolen my heart . It quite frankly makes the perfect dish to share and the leftovers are an absolute gift. Always make more than you need because anything not eaten first time around make a delicious sandwich with a hefty lick of mayo and some crisp lettuce or flaked into a salad. 

I ate a version of this at Gjusta, AKA my California canteen and fell immediately in love with the delicacy of the almost steamed flesh underneath the dill blanket.  Once home I  unsuccessfully trawled the internet for a recipe, forced to recreate it from memory.  After a few attempts in overcomplicating what is really incredibly simple, I landed here, with a version that I am more than happy to eat week in week out forever.    

Before I go……

I will be releasing new Autumn class dates in early August, so keep your eyes peeled for details. If you have any class requests please send them my way!

I hope you are all enjoying your Summers so far.  I’ve just returned from a fantastically restorative weekend in Portugal which was the perfect escape. We stayed at the fabulous Casa Mae where every detail, both in design, food and hospitality is exquisitely considered and I got back on a surfboard for the first time in many years right back on the same beach where I first donned a wetsuit. I’d love to hear all about your adventures.  As always, is such a pleasure to be here with you.